Why to Use Kafka


  • Companies usually have some data which moves from SOURCE SYSTEM -> TARGET SYSTEM.
  • Initally it is simply just write code -> take the data and extract it -> transform the data -> Load the data .This sort of makes 1 integration.
  • But as company evolve the number of source and target systems increase.
  • Each Integration itself comes with its own set of problems such as :

    • Protocol: How the data is transported (HTTP,REST,TCP,JDBC,FTP)
    • Data Format : How the data is parsed? (CSV,JSON,XML,Protobuf)
    • Data schema and evolution : How the data is shaped and how it may change
  • Each source system will also have increased load from its connections .

    KAFKA solves this problems

    SOURCE SYSTEM (Producer)

    \/ Kafka(sends and receives data )


    TARGET SYSTEM (Consumer)

  • Source is responsible for producing data and Kafka will generate a data stream and take all that source data into the stream.
  • Whenever the target system need to consume data ,it can tap into the kafka data stream.
  • SOURCE SYSTEM ex: Website events ,FInance transactions ,user interactions
  • TARGET SYSTEM ex: Analytics ,Audit , Email systems
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