Sliding Window

Aditya Verma Approach to sliding window :

Identificatiion :

  1. Could be array or string.
  2. There is a window which is continous (doesnt break) .
  3. Question might ask related to subarray or substring .Also it can ask largest or smallest value in the question.
  4. Window size will be given or the question might ask to find out window size.
Window Size | Condition
  • 2 Types of Sliding window problems:

    1. Fixed size window: If window size is given then based on some condition we return min or max value.
    2. Variable size window: We are given some condition and we have to find the window size based on that condition.

Variable size window:

Example:If a partciaulr sum is given ,find the largest sub array (window size) having that sum.


Fixed Size Window Variable Size Window
1. Max/Min Subarray of size k 1. Largest/smallest subarray equal to k
2. First -ve in every min size of k 2.
3. Count occurence of anagram 3.
4. Maximum of all subarray of size k 4. Pick Toy
5. Max of min of every window size 5.Minimum window substring.
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